"We can choose the climate future we land in" - Code Red IPCC report
Image Credit - Professor Mark Howden by Lannon Harley, Australian National University
Climate change is widespread & intensifying, how do we address the big impacts?
Plan A was getting there by 2050 and now we need to go to Plan B, which needs to come MUCH sooner…BY 2030
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AP6 reoprt (IPCC) came out this week, emphasising the fact that global warming is accelerating even faster than we first thought. The world’s leading climate scientists have found that there is no doubt that climate change is -
Man-made; and
That we need to act rapidly in order to address the big impacts:
The earth is now 1.2 C warmer than it was in the late 1800’s; and
We are NOT on track to meet the Paris agreement target to keep global temperatures from exceeding 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels.
To avert the extraordinarily harmful effects of rapid warming (from human & man-made activities) from burning fossil fuels that generate gas emissions we need to act NOW. We need to ensure emissions reductions keep warming less than 1.5 C and that that swiftly happens across the globe by 2030.
The Facts
Many contries have committed to net-zero emissions by 2050, however
The current path of carbon dioxide emissions will increase global temperatures by 3-5°C by the end of the century, so
We have to act now to
cut emissions;
adapt to climate impacts; and
make the required and significant financial investments by government and business.
Key Takeaway
The global average the planet has warmed since the industrial revolution is 1.1C, however alarmingly Australia shows a higher than average warming of 1.4C, which has led to frequent extreme weather events like
irreversible erosion
Despite the fact that scientists are unable to predict with precision when warming thresholds will be crossed, they have stated that global surface temperatures will be rising until at least 2050 under all emission scenarios considered.
Taking Action
All said, it is still not too late to take action as significant and ongoing reductions in emissions would slowly limit climate change. A pathway is outlined for countries including all levels of government and businesses to take action. Globally we must commit to (and act on) pledges and policies that are credible across industries like power generation, transport, construction and agriculture.
“While benefits for air quality would come quickly, it could take 20 to 30 years to see global temperatures stabilise. Without immediate, rapid and large reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5 C or even 2 C would be beyond reach.”
IPCC, AP6 report
So what needs to be done now!
Restrict the carbon dioxide emissions from human activity down to 500 billion tonnes so that we can get to a 50% chance of limiting future warming to 1.5 C - this is about the same as 12 years of our current emissions.
How can you take action personally, locally and financially:
For starters, check out our Taking Action video, it was a recent presentation at the City of Greater Dandening Forever Fest
(1) Personally -
Educate yourself about climate impacts
Read and research widely about how you can Take Action
Talk to your family and friends about the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions and reducing emissions
Learn about what capturing carbon means - plant trees, if possible!
Investigate green and renewable energy i.e. install solar panels if possible
(2) At a Local Level -
Join local community climate action groups
Support renewable energy projects
Talk to your local council to see what they are doing in your area
(3) With your Money -
Understand where your money is being invested
Divest from banks, insurance companies, etc that fund and support fossil fuel companies
Invest in green energy and renewables
Further Reading & Listening
-Here’s the IPCC Report - Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying
-The Australian - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AP6 report: No doubt humans warmed world
-Professor Mark Howden (who has contributed to the IPCC report) with Fran Kelly - ABC Radio: Tune in to this 11-minute podcast that is so worth a listen! IPCC warns the world is heading into "a bad place" without strong climate action
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