
As ethically conscious professionals, it's really common for you to want to manage your finances in line with what you believe in. The problem is that sometimes you're not sure how to go about it, you might be embarrassed to admit that you're not across the basic details, and you're scared that you're not going to be living the life you want.
In our Get Ethical podcast, we will help you to sort out what ethical means for you and prioritise what's important by explaining how an ethical investing framework can guide your financial decisions.

Ep #12
with Sabina Ahmed
In this episode, Sabina Ahmed, a senior investment analyst in equities at U Ethical, shares her diverse career journey and her passion for finance. She believes that we should be encouraging young girls to enter the world of finance.
She talks about ethical investing and its differences from Islamic investing, as well as the screening process used to identify sustainable companies. We also delve into the importance of macroeconomic dynamics and diverse leadership teams and the need for work-life balance in pursuing financial independence.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
UEthical - Investing with Purpose
Subscribe to VivaEthical’s monthly Insights here

Ep #11
The Challenge of Investing
with Kerry Series
In this episode we talk to Kerry Series, founder and partner of NorthStar Impact - an Australian-based fund looking to invest for financial returns and also move capital to solve today’s social and environmental challenges.
Kerry has been involved in the investment world since 1992, this episode delves into his investment journey and how he came to care so much about impact investing as a force for good.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
NorthStar Impact Funds
Impact Investment Summit - 30/31 March, 2023
Subscribe to VivaEthical’s monthly Insights here

Ep #10
Responsible Investing: Helping decision-makers to do their bit
with Désirée Lucchese
In this episode we chat to Désirée Lucchese, Head of Ethics and Impact at U Ethical, about the challenge of the transition to responsible investments.
At U Ethical, Désirée leads the evolution of the ethical investment framework and U Ethical's active stewardship with portfolio companies, in collaboration with U Ethical’s investment team, key stakeholders and industry peers.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
Subscribe to VivaEthical’s monthly Insights here

Subscribe to our monthly Insights newsletter for the latest financial, ethical investment and superannuation news analysis and updates on matters that may impact your financial wellbeing.

Ep #09
“I know about frankincense but franking credits?”
with Jude M
In this special episode to coincide with Ethical Investment Week, we talk to a VivaEthical client Jude about what fires her up about ethical investing and how working with a financial adviser has assisted her money journey.
Jude has been a geography teacher and artist, but retired from teaching a few years back. She is passionate about giving back to the community and helping people understand how they can contribute to better outcomes for the planet.
Ethical Investment Week is in its 9th year in 2022 and is co-ordinated by the Ethical Adviser's Co-op, a group of leading financial experts and ethical advisers of which VivaEthical is a member. It's purpose is to give clients an opportunity to ensure their investments are best suited to their beliefs, attitudes and ethics by consulting with advisers who are specialists in this area.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
Ethical Investment Week
Ethical Advisers’ Co-op
Subscribe to VivaEthical’s monthly Insights here

Ep #08
Different shades of Green is the New Black
with Jeremy Dean
In this episode we chat to Jeremy Dean about how responsible and sustainable investing is now what people expect and how being "green" delivers on social and environmental outcomes, as well as financial returns.
Jeremy Dean is the Head of Regnan and the Responsible Investment Distribution of Pendal Group. He has over 25 years of industry experience, and currently works closely with the Investment boutiques across Pendal and Regnan to deliver client solutions that seek to meet both investment outcomes, and sustainable goals.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
Subscribe to VivaEthical’s monthly Insights here

Ep #07
Getting Comfortable with your Finances
with Blair Modica
In this episode we talk to Blair Modica about navigating the financial world and getting your financial literacy up a notch or two, especially in regards to sustainable and ethical investing.
Blair is the Director of Adviser Business at BetaShares, an Australian Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) manager. Currently, Blair is responsible for assisting Financial Advisers in Victoria and Tasmania with Betashares products, including ethical ETF's.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
BetaShares Approach to ESG

Ep #06
Get Sustainable with Small Business
with Sara Redmond-Neal
In this episode we talk to Sara Redmond-Neal about getting sustainable in your small business - find out about your opportunity to grow and benefit in ways you didn't expect.
Sara Redmond-Neal is the founder of Small Mighty CSR. She has spent 15 years advising businesses and governments on how to care for people, planet and profit - by applying corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles and practices.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
Download your Quick Start Sustainability Checklist here

Ep #05
Advice From the Heart
with Dawn Thomas
In this week's epsiode we talk to Dawn Thomas, Wealth Adviser at Integro Wealth. She shares her thoughts about why understanding how your money works is so important, that your super is the go-to investment for your longer-term financial security and how GenZ are prioritising ethical investment in their super.
Resources mentioned in this episode...
Your Money Story podcast hosted by Dawn

Subscribe to our monthly Insights newsletter for the latest financial, ethical investment and superannuation news analysis and updates on matters that may impact your financial wellbeing.

Ep #04
Get Excited About What You Can Do
with Mark Holtom
Capital markets can influence change - it's exciting to know that you're able to invest, do better financially and make a difference to what matters to you. Mark Holtom, Director at Ethical Investing NZ, chats about his money journey in the UK and New Zealand, how the world of responsible investing has changed and how it's important to stop talking and start doing!
Resources mentioned in this episode...

Ep #03
Just Make a Start
with Stewart Bell
People are under financial pressure, nevertheless being ethical means you can choose what should happen with your money. Stewart Bell, Business Coach and Founder of Audere Coaching & Consulting, chats about his money journey, and how getting financially healthy and well - with the help of a coach - is quite like getting fit at the gym. Enjoy!
Resources mentioned in this episode...
Audere Coaching & Consulting

Ep #02
The Importance of Values
with Kim Payne
In today's episode, we interview Kim Payne, Managing Director of 9Rok Consulting, she helps professionals communicate the value of advice. We discuss investing, the importance of money behaviour, and how your values count.
Resources mentioned in this episode...

Ep #01
Welcome to Get Ethical
with Elizabeth Hatton
In Get Ethical, we will help you to sort out what ethical means for you and prioritise what's important, by explaining how an ethical investing framework can guide your financial decisions. Brought to you by VivaEthical Financial Advice.