The Get Ethical Blog

Getting Australia to Net Zero emissions by 2050 - proposed strategies and actions
The Australian Climate Change Authority (CCA) today released its Sector Pathways Review report to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The report identifies the potential technology transition and emissions pathways to achieve net zero emissions in six sectors of the economy – agriculture & land, the built environment, electricity and energy, transport, industry and waste, agriculture and land, resources, and the built environment.
We need to urgently scale-up clean technologies to keep Australia on its’ Net-zero by 2050 targets
We need to urgently scale-up clean technologies to keep Australia on its’ Net-zero by 2050 targets
How to make Net Zero happen in Australia!
Here are the key findings and recommendations from the Mobilisation report by Net Zero Australia, about how Australia can achieve its net zero emissions goals and transition to a sustainable future. What’s remarkable, is that we can get there by 2050 using the existing technology!
How to protect your portfolio from 'greenwashing’
Australian investors who want their money managed ethically need to be alert for misleading and overzealous environmental and social claims.
Greenwashing and Greenwishing… how do you know your investments are ethical?
What is good to know is that Australian regulators such as the ACCC, APRA and ASIC are all now increasing their scrutiny of environmental claims to clamp down on greenwashing.
The latest IPCC report makes it clear that we have almost run out of time to act on climate change
The third volume of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2022 report was published at the start of April. The report focuses on the path forward to drastically cut emissions.
Ethical Advisers Co-op 2021 Annual Report released
EAC has just released their second Annual Report, which showcases Co-op members work throughout 2021.
COP26 wrapped up... and Australia named “Colossal Fossil”!
COP26, the biggest international climate event in years, has wrapped up in overtime… and Australia did NOT come out of it well.
SLF event - Make Your Money Matter - 11 February
The annual Sustainable Living Festival is on now, running through the month of February with a full program of events around Victoria.
RIAA Super Study 2021
This is the fourth RIAA detailed survey of Australia’s (largest) super funds, to assess responsible investment (RI) performance from mid-2019 to December 2020.
Checking the analysis: do ESG investments improve financial performance? Who's right?
One of the industry's fastest-growing trends is the increase in environmental, social, and governance (ESG)-themed funds. New products are launching regularly and…
Launch: Responsible Investment Report - 1 September 2021
The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) presents its latest findings on the size, growth and performance of responsible, ethical and impact investments in its annual Responsible Investment Benchmark Report.