The Get Ethical Blog

What the Greens + Labor government deal means for climate change
The deal struck between the Albanese government, the Greens and the Teals to get the Safeguard Mechanism (SGM) legislation through parliament is a significant step forward on the nation’s decarbonisation pathway.
Due to come into effect from 1 July 2023, the partnership enhances the ambition, public accountability, integrity and impact of the mechanism legislation initially proposed by the government, and while still far from perfect, it is a major advance on the current state of play.
2023 Federal Budget - The macro and micro view
Here’s a summary of the highlights from the May 2023 Federal budget, focussing on proposals which we thought would be of particular interest ie the macro, personal and especially green energy and tackling climate change
While some of these proposals were announced pre-budget, at this stage it’s difficult to understand and predict how these projects will play out.
However it’s important to understand that the policy of government is aiming to reduce global warming and stand by our Paris 1.5 commitments.
How to protect your portfolio from 'greenwashing’
Australian investors who want their money managed ethically need to be alert for misleading and overzealous environmental and social claims.
ASIC sues Mercer Superannuation in groundbreaking greenwashing case. The regulators are out!!!
Earlier this month saw the most significant greenwashing action taken to date by regulators in Australia. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) launched court action against Mercer Superannuation for greenwashing conduct regarding several of their superannuation investment options.
It’s that time of the year again…10 tips to save on your private health insurance costs before 1 April
10 tips to save on your private health costs so you can plan to enjoy your spend somewhere else!
We’re writing about private health insurance because of a few things that have happened with our clients…this is all true!
Farming Fog for Water
Due to climate change, a lack of usable water is becoming a problem in areas where it wasn't before.
Locals on the Canary Islands, however, are finding that fog can make up for shortfalls on the farm.
To EV or not to EV?
With the popularity of electric vehicles (EV’s) increasing, many consumers are asking about EV and sustainability.
Are these vehicles actually good for the environment? Especially given the uncertainty about the manufacture, labour issues, and mining requirements to put these vehicles together.
Some sceptics even argue that EV’s actually have a larger carbon footprint than petrol vehicles.
Federal Budget - October 2022/23
The new Labor government presented the 2022/23 Budget on the 25 October acknowledging that the current global economic situation presents some absolute financial challenges - inflation, energy and supply chain problems, and a continuing war in Europe - in focussing on a well-being budget, to shape our lives for the better.
Why Ancient Trees are Important
Forests are sucking up 25% of our carbon emissions in the atmosphere.
However, the productivity of forests is sensitive to climate, and the faster forest death events have the potential to release a lot of carbon back into the atmosphere.
Recently, scientists have been able to quantify the role of ancient trees in storing carbon.
Who ya gonna call?
In a recent speech ASIC Chair Joseph Longo presented ASIC’s new corporate plan and noted that:
“Rather than attempting to be ‘everywhere’, we must prioritise the areas of greatest harm and take action to protect vulnerable people. Being a regulator is all about choices, so we must be targeted in the way we deploy resources.”
It’s a bird…it’s a plane. It’s an EV charger!
Okay, it might not be that high in the sky, but Seattle (USA) is piloting a new style of electric vehicle charger that attaches to wood poles high above street level.
EOFY 2022 - Tax time checklist - hints and tips
The new financial year means it's time to complete your annual tax return again - are you ready? We’ve compiled a handy (and comprehensive) checklist that helps you identify all the different types of income you may need to declare and expenses you can claim.