The Get Ethical Blog

How to compare MySuper and Ethical funds financial performance
This week, you might have seen two separate reports about the financial performance of super funds - Ethical Finds and MySuper. How well your super is doing financially is generally something that we’re all …
"We can choose the climate future we land in" - Code Red IPCC report
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AP6 reoprt (IPCC) came out this week, emphasising the fact that global warming is accelerating even faster than we first thought. The world’s leading…
Launch: Responsible Investment Report - 1 September 2021
The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) presents its latest findings on the size, growth and performance of responsible, ethical and impact investments in its annual Responsible Investment Benchmark Report.
Greenwashing and your green investments
I thought you'd like to know that ASIC is now turning its attention to whether the ethical investments offered by funds are as 'green' or ESG-focused as the funds are claiming.
What is natural capital and why should investors like you care?
Assets are often rated based on their financial value. But, when it comes to finite natural resources - which are crucial to our economic activity and prosperity overall, why don’t we value them as financial assets too?
Tax News - new ATO app live this week!
The revised ATO app is now available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. It’s a handy tool for keeping records all in one place, and it can help you save time and resources in preparing for tax time.
Ethical and Sustainable Funds Perform Better!
Ethical and sustainable funds do better. Why is this so? UBS and The Economist have just put out their survey report study of how the major players (ie. 450 global super/pension funds) are changing how they…
Super Special - June 2021
A number of key changes to Super have passed into law in recent days, and they will likely impact you in some form. For some people, this will also provide the opportunity to make very last minute contributions to…
If you dig it up, sell it and profit from it...you are responsible for it
We wanted to take a deep dive into Ethical and Sustainable Investments, product ratings, how prevention works and how you can choose to put your funds into investments that match up with your beliefs about what’s good for you, the planet and society as well.
Types of superannuation contributions
Superannuation is money that is put aside during your working life, which can be used as a source of income when you retire. The objective is to use this income…
ESG investing basics
Anyone can be a responsible investor, whether they are individuals choosing where to put their retirement savings, a trustee of a trust or foundation, or an institutional investor…
Accessing your super: the good, the bad, and…
There are only some very limited options for accessing your super before your preservation age.